Daniel Zimmerman

Photo courtesy of Cynthia Marchell
Daniel Zimmerman teaches English at Middlesex County College in Edison, NJ. He served as associate editor of the issue of Anonym that first published Ezra Pound's last canto, and as editor of the single-issue magazines The Western Gate and Brittannia. The Institute of Further Studies included his fascicle, Perspective, in its series, a curriculum of the soul (Canton, NY: 1974). He collaborated with American/Canadian artist Richard Sturm on a livre deluxe, See All The People (lithographs, serigraphs and embossings: Toronto: Open Studio/ Scarborough College, 1976). In 1997, he invented an anagrammatical poetic form, Isotopes. His works include the trans- temporal collaboration blue horitals (with John Clarke: Amman, Jordan: Oasii, 1997), ISOTOPES (London: frAme, 2001), and Post-Avant (Columbus, OH: Pavement Saw Press, 2001; intro. by Robert Creeley). His work has recently appeared in Chain, Tinfish, Deluxe Rubber Chicken, House Organ, Snakeskin, New York Quarterly, Chelsea, An Exaltation of Forms, ETC: A Review of General Semantics and The Poets of New Jersey: Colonial to Contemporary.
Beard of Bees Publications
- #44, Isotopes2, by Daniel Zimmerman (October, 2007)