Keith and Rosmarie Waldrop

Keith Waldrop's recent books of poetry include The Real Subject (Omnidawn), The House Seen from Nowhere (Litmus Press), Haunt (Instance Press), and the trilogy: The Locality Principle, The Silhouette of the Bridge (America Award, 1997) and Semiramis, If I Remember (Avec Books).
Rosmarie Waldrop's trilogy (The Reproduction of Profiles, Lawn of Excluded Middle and Reluctant Gravities) has just been reprinted by New Directions under the title: Curves to the Apple. Other recent books of poetry are Splitting Images (Zasterle), Blindsight (New Directions) and Love, Like Pronouns (Omnidawn). Her collected essays, Dissonance (if you are interested), was published by University of Alabama Press in 2005.
Together, Keith and Rosmarie have published Well Well Reality (collected collaborations, Post-Apollo Press), Ceci n'est pas Keith Ceci n'est pas Rosmarie (autobiographies, Burning Deck), and translated Jacques Roubaud's poems on the streets of Paris: The Form of a City Changes Faster, Alas, Than the Human Heart (Dalkey Archive, 2006). They co-edit Burning Deck Press in Providence.
Beard of Bees Publications
- #47, from Flat With No Key, by Keith and Rosmarie Waldrop (December, 2007)