Morten Søndergaard

Morten Søndergaard was born in 1964 in Copenhagen. He studied literature and has published five poetry collections: Sahara i mine hænder (Sahara in my hands, 1992), Ild og tal (Fire and Figures, 1994), Bier dør sovende (Bees Die While Sleeping, 1998), Vinci, senere (Vinci, later, 2002), Fedtdigte (Fat poems, 2004); poetry in prose: Ubestemmelsessteder (Indestinations, 1996), and At holde havet tilbage med en kost (To Hold the Ocean with a Broom, 2004); and a novel, Tingenes orden (Order of Things, 2000). He received a grant of Danish National Art Council for three years and was short listed for the Nordic Literature Prize. He has translated works of Jorge Luis Borges and worked as an editor at various literary magazines. He is translated into several languages.
Beard of Bees Publications
- #23, An Inherited Ocean, by Morten Søndergaard (January, 2005)