Alexandra Mattraw
Alexandra Mattraw's second chapbook, in the way of harbors, will soon be available from Dancing Girl Press, and her first, Projection, can be found through Achiote Press. Her poems and reviews have also appeared in journals including VOLT, Cultural Society, Verse, Word For/Word, Seneca Review, Realpoetik, Denver Quarterly, alice blue, and American Letters & Commentary. Alexandra's first full manuscript has been selected as a finalist by several presses, including Nightboat Books and 1913 Press. Her work was also nominated for a Puschcart Prize in 2012. A former Vermont Studio Center resident, Alexandra curates a writing, reading, and art series called Lone Glen in Oakland, California. If you are interested in learning more about her work, please visit her on-line at
Beard of Bees Publications
- #96, these threads a sound, by Alexandra Mattraw (June, 2013)