Eric Elshtain

Eric Elshtain is the editor of Beard of Bees Press and is poet-in-residence at John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital through the non-profit Snow City Arts Foundation. He conducts poetry and art workshops in the pediatrics ward, working with children from the ages of 3 to 23.
Beard of Bees Publications
- #100, To Cure Nature With Science (a gnoem), by Eric Elshtain, Gnoetry, and Eighty-two Other Beard of Bees Poets (March, 2014)
- #70, Sonneteering, curated by Eric Elshtain (April, 2010)
- #30, Shaking Back The Kiss, by Eric Elshtain and Gnoetry (February, 2006)
- #26, Her Social Frame, by Eric Elshtain and Gnoetry (June, 2005)
- #24, The Most Effective Dress, by Eric Elshtain and Gnoetry (January, 2005)
- #16, At Captains' Tables, by Eric Elshtain and Gnoetry (June, 2004)
- #11, 100 Tankas From the Veblen, by Eric Elshtain and Gnoetry (March, 2004)
- #9, The Dublin of Doctor Moreau, by Eric Elshtain and Gnoetry (February, 2004)
- #7, 5 Poems & 5 Blues, by Eric Elshtain (March, 2003)
- #6, Metric Error Left, by Jon Trowbridge, Eric Elshtain and Gnoetry (January, 2003)
- #3, Static Void: Fifty-Nine Sonnets, and a Fragment, by Jon Trowbridge, Eric Elshtain and Gnoetry (February, 2001)
- #2, Parent Class Finalize, by Jon Trowbridge, Eric Elshtain and Gnoetry (January, 2001)
- #1, Seventy-Two Malignant Spirits, by Eric Elshtain (January, 2001)